Better Make It Real: Creating Authenticity in an Increasingly Fake World
Corporate culture, especially around authenticity, is such a nebulous thing to try to achieve. Especially these days when we must reinvent ourselves all the time to keep up with the changes in the world around us. Better Make It Real is the first book I've seen that clearly spells out how authenticity comes alive through integrated customer and employee experiences.The author helps you understand exactly what authentic experience means in a workplace setting, how to achieve it and how to sustain it in an integrated way.
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.
OK, I happen to be a relative, but that has nothing to do with my review of this book. Well, maybe a little, but the fact is, I'm no bartender. I don't have the know-how to mix drinks properly and I found this book REALLY easy to use. The arrangement by types of liquor make this guide truly idiot proof (no pun intended!). It's a great bar companion especially when my more liquor adventurous guests are around and they want a drink even they don't know how to make. Kudos to Amy for creating such a simple yet so useful guide!
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.
The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth: A Case Study
This book deals with the question of how children exposed to two languages simultaneously from birth learn to speak those two languages. After a critical and comprehensive survey of most of the literature on the subject, the author concludes that empirically well-documented knowledge in this area is very scant indeed. The core of the book concerns a naturalistic study of a Dutch-English bilingual girl around the age of three. The study's main aim is to explore the nature of early bilingual morphosyntactic development.