Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.
Japan is arguably today's most successful industrial economy, combining almost unprecedented affluence with social stability and apparent harmony. Japanese goods and cultural products--from animated movies and computer games to cars, semiconductors, and management techniques--are consumed around the world. In many ways, Japan is an icon of the modern world, and yet it remains something of an enigma to many, who see it as a confusing montage of the alien and the familiar, the ancient and modern.
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.
Postcolonial English: Varieties around the worldThe global spread of English has resulted in the emergence of a diverse range of postcolonial varieties around the world. Postcolonial English provides a clear and original account of the evolution of these varieties, exploring the historical, social and ecological factors that have shaped all levels of their structure.