How to Pass the Police Selection System: Practise for the Psychometric Tests and Succeed at the Assessment Centres
Many would-be entrants to the police service are unsuccessful because at some point in the assessment system they fail to demonstrate their full potential. Failure may be the result of a variety of factors such as: stress and anxiety; being unable to cope with the psychometric tests; and, having to perform in front of other people while being observed and evaluated.
Grounded in research and practice, this resource shows elementary teachers how to use formative assessment to build students’ language and literacy skills across the curriculum.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual This book is a unique treatment manual which looks at the assessment of BDD, offering an treatment model in the form of CBT and pharmacotherapy
# Summarises the current knowledge and theoretical perspectives about BDD # Covers the practical aspects of assessment, engagement, and therapy # Uses a number of practical resources, including client handouts
This book explores the processes involved in developing assessment practice. It argues that the role of teacher assessment needs to be put firmly at the forefront of the educational agenda and that assessment by teachers needs to be developed in a widespread, high quality and sustainable fashion.
Зошит для тематичного оцінювання до підручника О.Д.Карп`юк 4клас
Тетрадь содержит разноуровневые задания для тематического оценивания знаний, умений и навыков по английскому языку учащихся 4 классов общеобразовательных школ.
Workbook for students' assessment for the texbook by O.Karpuk (4 form)
For Russian/Ukrainian speakers mostly. See Preview