This brief, inexpensive book focuses on how to write, construct, and use assessments in the classroom. It continues to take a balanced approach to assessment, involving both traditional and innovative techniques. It includes the development and use of written tests, informal assessments, portfolios, and performance assessments. This balanced approach to assessment is what prospective teachers need when they get into the classroom. Coverage includes integrating assessments into the learning process, showing the implications of...
This revised and expanded edition of How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre provides ideal preparation for assessment events and gives expert advice on how assessments are conducted and how to prepare for different forms of assessment. It looks in detail at each of these different assessments, from group exercises and psychometric tests to panel interviews and role play exercises. It includes practice questions with answers and explanations and new personality and emotional intelligence questionnaires.
Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College
The second edition of Effective Grading—the book that has become a classic in the field—provides a proven hands-on guide for evaluating student work and offers an in-depth examination of the link between teaching and grading. Authors Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson explain that grades are not isolated artifacts but part of a process that, when integrated with course objectives, provides rich information about student learning, as well as being a tool for learning itself.
Fraud Risk Assessment: Building a Fraud Audit Program
Praise for Fraud Risk Assessment Building a Fraud Audit Program "This book is a must for every Chief Audit Executive and every internal audit library. The book details how CAEs can incorporate fraud risk assessments into their strategic plans as well as explaining to the staff levels how to audit for fraud in specific high exposure areas such as travel, contracts, and expenditures. It is easy to follow and provides an excellent blueprint."