The eagerly awaited 2nd edition of this classic handbook is a critical, thorough account of memory disorders relating to neurological processes and to developmental and acquired brain damage and presents comprehensive sections on theory, assessment, treatment and management of memory disorders.
Edited by: arcadius - 7 October 2009
Reason: file details edited (refer to my PM pls!) Pumukl
Detection, Assessment, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Caries (Monographs in Oral Science) By N. Pitts The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) offers clinical criteria and codes, together with a framework to support and enable personalized comprehensive caries management for improved long-term health outcome.
While most English professionals feel comfortable with language and literacy theories, assessment theories seem more alien. English professionals often don’t have a clear understanding of the key concepts in educational measurement nor do they understand the statistical formulas associated with psychometrics. But understanding assessment theory-and applying it-by those who are not psychometricians is critical in developing useful, ethical assessments in college writing programs, and in interpreting and using assessment results.
READING AND WRITING ACTIVITIES Starter A and Starter B This booklet of photocopiable material provides extra activities to develop the reading and writing skills in the first cycle of Primary.
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET Starter A and Starter B Tests with teaching notes and keys
Ruth Dann explores the complex interactions between pupil learning and educational assessment. Presenting the very latest thinking on assessment, including the opinion that assessment should have a direct impact on learning as well as being a measure of what has been learned, the author emphasizes assessment as a factor in the learning process and offers a variety of theoretical insights and practical applications. Assessment strategies and techniques are examined and considered as part of the curriculum as well as assessment tools.