Foot ulcers occur in approximately 15% of the patients with diabetes mellitus in their lifetime, with a major impact on their quality of life. Many hospital admissions related to diabetes are due to foot ulcers, which can result in prolonged hospital stay and increased morbidity and mortality. The majority of lower limb amputations are performed in patients with diabetes every year (80,000 at least in the USA).
The Geek Atlas 128 Places Where Science and Technology Come Alive
The history of science is all around us, if you know where to look. With this unique traveler's guide, you'll learn about 128 destinations around the world where discoveries in science, mathematics, or technology occurred or is happening now. Travel to Munich to see the world's largest science museum, watch Foucault's pendulum swinging in Paris, ponder a descendant of Newton's apple tree at Trinity College, Cambridge, and more.
The Second Edition of Atlas of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord offers the essentials of neuroanatomy in a newly revised format. This atlas allows students to synthesize a three-dimensional concept of the major motor and sensory systems of the human brain and spinal cord by providing a photographic survey of the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the central nervous system. It is organized into 6 sections and covers material on gross anatomy, spinal cord, brain stem, coronal sections, axial sections, parasagittal sections, arteries and angiograms, ...
Do you want to know how we are built inside and what we have there? Today's Flash-technology allows us to do it and explore the self-inside. This medical Atlas of human body can be used by anyone and not only by medical personel and students of medical colleges.
Canine and Feline Cytology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide
Master the art and science of specimen collection, preparation, and evaluation with Canine & Feline Cytology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide, Second Edition. This easy-to-use guide covers all body systems and fluids including a special chapter on acquisition and management of cytology specimens. Hundreds of vivid color images of normal tissue alongside abnormal tissue images - plus concise summaries of individual lesions and guidelines for interpretation - will enhance your ability to confidently face any diagnostic challenge.