The book consists of twenty two sections and students aims to gain a broad perspective on various issues. There are approximately 1700 unique questions you can test your English grammar in detail in the first chapter. This section contains questions designed to test the logic down to the smallest detail in all the above mentioned tests and is intended to resolve your grammar short. The second sentence completion section, paragraph completion, translation and so on.
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 19 July 2014
Pearl Harbor 70th Anniversary
You’ve likely seen In Harm’s Way, The Final Countdown and the Michael Bay movie. You’ve heard all about the USS Arizona and the Doolittle raid. But what about the role of the Philippines leading up to the Pearl Harbor attack? Or the political circumstances that made an attack from Japan all but inevitable? What about the other key players in the Pacific—Isoroku Yamamoto and Admiral Chester Nimitz—and their role in the battles that ensued? Have you ever wondered how the war would have changed if the U.S. had actually used its B-17s against Japanese airfields immediately after Pearl Harbor? These and plenty more questions are answered inside.
In this age of lethal bioweapons, there's a frightening logic in the idea that your next breath might kill you. Alas, Cook's latest, about an impending bioterrorist attack in New York City, is more ho-hum than horrifying. The premise has promise: cab driver Yuri Davydov is a disillusioned Russian immigrant haunted by his involvement in a tragic accidental release of government-produced anthrax that killed hundreds, including his mother. Armed with hatred for America and practical skills in how to build a biochemical weapon, he's joined forces with Curt Rogers and Steve Henderson of the People's Aryan Army.
A biography of the Yugoslavian tennis star, who won a Grand Slam title in 1989, and whose career was interrupted by a traumatic attack in which she was stabbed at a match in Germany in 1993.