SOFTMATH develops Algebrator, the leading Algebra software program
available to, students, teachers, working professionals and educational
institutions today.
Algebrator is one of the most powerful
algebra software programs ever developed. It will tackle the hardest
algebra problems you throw at it. And it can show every step to every
answer, effectively serving as an automated tutor for Algebra students
at every level.
Students utilize Algebrator to supplement
in-classroom learning, as well as assist them with rapidly completing
their Algebra assignments.
Teachers use Algebrator to assist in
the rapid creation of lessons and sample problems/solutions, as well as
a supplemental, automated teaching assistant for students.
who need to solve Algebra problems use it in their place of work.
Whether "math-challenged" or simply looking for productivtiy
improvements by solving Algebraic equations quickly and completely,
Algebrator is a great "Math Assistant" for the working professional!
is a complete Algebra Tutoring solution, appropriate for solving
Algebra problems all the way from Pre-Algebra through the Advanced
College level.