Added by: do0ody | Karma: 119.59 | Black Hole | 20 July 2012
Idioms Dictionary for Babylon
Babylon Idioms Dictionary
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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (CIDE) was derived from the 1913 Webster's Dictionary and has been supplemented with some of the definitions from WordNet. It is being proof-read and supplemented by volunteers from around the world. This electronic dictionary is also made available as a potential starting point for development of a modern comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary, to be accessible freely on the Internet, and developed by the efforts of all individuals willing to help build a large and freely available knowledge base. There are several derivative versions of this dictionary on the Internet, in some cases reformatted or provided with an interface:
Added by: do0ody | Karma: 119.59 | Black Hole | 18 July 2012
Babylon Idiom Dictionary
Babylon Cambridge Idiom Dictionary
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Babylon Oxford American DictionaryProduced by American Dictionaries Program, and drawing on the expertise of scores of American scholars and advisors, The New American Dictionary sets the standard of excellence for lexicography in this country. Here is the most accurate and richly descriptive picture of American English ever offered in any dictionary. American editors drew on our 200-million-word databank of contemporary North American English, plus the unrivaled citation files of the world-renowned English Dictionary. We started with American evidence--an unparalleled resource unique . Our staff logged more than 50 editor-years, checking every entry and every definition.
A newer edition of The Chambers Dictionary is available: Copy and paste the ISBN number into the search bar to find the 12th edition of the Chambers Dictionary - Thumb indexed version: 9780550102379 - Standard version: 9780550102416The dictionary of choice for word lovers and crossword enthusiasts. It is known for its comprehensive coverage of English and for its tradition of including the occasional light-hearted definition in its pages. Alone among modern single-volume dictionaries, it retains an interest in the past as well as the present, offering a rich stock of words from our literary heritage as well as covering recent developments in English.