Oxford Essential English Arabic Dictionary (1ed, 2010) for Babylon
This Essential English Arabic dictionary is intended to help learners of Arabic and English.
16 comments, 7306 views
Tags: Arabic , English , Oxford , Essential , Babylon , Dictionary
MacMillan English Thesaurus for Babylon
Added by: malik.ahsan | Karma: 13.02 | Black Hole | 20 March 2012
MacMillan English Thesaurus for Babylon
Macmillan English Thesaurus Crazy Alternatives
No. of Entries: 3663
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Tags: English , Thesaurus , MacMillan , Babylon , Entries
The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America for Babylon
Added by: do0ody | Karma: 119.59 | Black Hole | 20 January 2012
The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America for Babylon
The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms In America For Babylon Pro
Broken file
Tags: Babylon , America , Idioms , Commonly , Broken
Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition for Babylon
Roget's: The New Thesaurus, 3rd Edition for Babylon allows the users to find the right synonym with a minimum effort.
unlike many thesarusses , this easy to use reference lists main entry words alphabetically.
as in a dictionary for quick lookup , each entry is divided into senses, with brief definitions and a full list of synonyms for each sense.
to ensure that the selected usage is the most appropriate one
all special usages , such as slang terms are labeled and grouped together at the end of synonym list.
following each list is a cross-reference to related entry in thesaurus unique category index.
Tags: Babylon , Edition , Thesaurus , Third , Roget’s , entry
English Thesaurus for babylon
Added by: do0ody | Karma: 119.59 | Black Hole | 10 November 2011
English Thesaurus for babylon
useful and comprehensive crazy alternatives thesurus dictionary (English Thesurus For Babylon)
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Tags: English , Thesurus , Babylon , Thesaurus , babylon , dictionary