Offers an overview of the analysis of art and archaeological materials using techniques based on mass spectrometry Illustrates basic principles, procedures and applications of mass spectrometric techniques.
The Beaded Sphere And Variations - Beading In The Third Dimension
The Beaded Sphere by Judy Walker Judy Walker is well-known for her exquisite geometric beadwork. Her new book "The Beaded Sphere" is a 232-page full-color hard cover featuring detailed instructions, diagrams and photos for a baker's dozen of her bead projects ranging from jewelry to sculptures, including her unique Triple Sphere. Also included is general information about basic beading techniques, a source directory, and a photo gallery of other bead artists' work.
New in Paper Duy Nguyen, who has created origami fantasy worlds, animals, and holiday projects, now brings American icons to three-dimensional life. And all it takes to create these patriotic items is just a few basic folds--all explained in detailed illustrations right up front--and some paper.
This course is intended for students of computing and information technology with an English level of beginner plus to lower-intermediate. In particular, targeted readers are secondary school and technical college students of 16 + who have studies general English for three years or more. The book is also intended for professionals who have not studies English formally for some time, and wish to refresh their knowledge of the language within the context of their specialism.