Detox for Women: An All New Approach for a Sleek Body and Radiant Health in 4 WeeksThis book was a delight to read. Natalia's endearing style of addressing the readers as "Ladies,.." makes for an especially personable tone. (She does say at one point that men are also welcome to join in!)
The beginning of the book builds suspense with comments such as, "You will see results in the first few days, and in one month you will have scaled the heights of what the female body can become--and it only gets better the longer you do it!"
Each issue of Business Week features in-depth perspectives on the financial markets, industries, trends, technology and people guiding the economy. Draw upon Business Week's timely incisive analysis to help you make better decisions about your career, your business, and your personal investments.
This book is consistent with the mission of The Legal Grind to improve access to the legal system to all people. In cutting through the mysticism of legalese, this book helps ordinary folks better understand their legal rights. This book should be useful to everyone, including first year law students, who are trying to better understand “the language of the law.”
Each issue of BusinessWeek features in-depth perspectives on the financial markets, industries, trends, technology and people guiding the economy. Draw upon Business Week's timely incisive analysis to help you make better decisions about your career, your business, and your personal investments.
Well written and accessible to undergraduates or anybody who would like to obtain a quick but well-rounded introduction to fractal analysis. It is highly recommended and will certainly find a well-deserving place on many bookshelves. -- Peter R. Massopust Mathematical Reviews The subject matter of this book is important to all mathematical scientists... Is this a good book for your library? It's better than that. Put this slim volume in your backpack next time you hiking by the sea. -- Michael F. Barnsley SIAM Review