Each issue of BusinessWeek features in-depth perspectives on the financial markets, industries, trends, technology and people guiding the economy. Draw upon Business Week's timely incisive analysis to help you make better decisions about your career, your business, and your personal investments.
Better Homes & Gardens - May 2010Better Homes and Gardens is one of the most widely circulated magazines in the United States. The editor in Chief is Gayle Butler. Better Homes and Gardens focuses on interests regarding homes, cooking, gardening, crafts, healthy living, decorating, and entertaining. The magazine is published 12 times per year by the Meredith Corporation. It was founded in 1922 by Edwin Meredith, who had previously been the United States Secretary of Agriculture under Woodrow Wilson.
Loved this subject and the book, it has clear proofs and plenty of descriptions of concepts, and it works from the very beginning and builds on itself. I would reccomend it. It is an expensive book, but I got it for a much better price here on amazon, I think it was less than half of what they were asking at the UCLA bookstore. I will certainly be buying my textbooks here from now on.
Microstock Photography: How to Make Money from Your Digital Images
One-stop guide to making money from microstocks, the world's fastest growing imaging phenomenon. Over 60 illustrations and photographs help you improve your skills, learn new techniques specific to shooting stock photography and better understand what the microstock market demands.
Mindworks: Unlock the Promise Within : Nlp Tools for Building a Better Life
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a group of psychological techniques developed in the early 1970s, has been a huge influence on today's motivational writers (particularly Tony Robbins). As its name suggests, NLP is based on the idea that the human mind is a sort of computer; our verbal and body language are the programming that allows us to change our thoughts and influence other people.