"English may be a foreign language, but we cannot deny its importance in today’s world. Don’t hesitate – speak confidently and get over your shyness." Learning English Better is a PowerPoint presentation of this message, consists of 155 slides divided in 7 class days lessons.Full of practical lesson, activities and suggestions to achieve the goal for Students and Teachers.
Complete Idiot's Guide To AdoptionIf you are just thinking of adopting and have no idea where to begin, this is a great book. It gives details about many different types of adoption. It could really help you decide whether to go through government agencies, private agencies or international. If you have already narrowed your scope, then it is better to get a book specific to the type of adoption that you are pursuing, otherwise there will be many chapters of this book that you will skip.
The fact is, we could all take better care of ourselves—physically and emotionally. For some of us, that may mean getting more exercise, losing weight, or eating a healthier diet. For others, it may mean learning how to make time for the people we care about or learning how to manage stress so we have the energy to meet the challenges that come our way each day. What are some of the things you can do every day to feel better in your life?
The Demise of the Dollar...: And Why It's Even Better for Your Investments
As the dollar continues to weaken throughout the world, it has become clear that the impact is going to be significant as well as far reaching. This book explores the number of reasons for the dollar's current state, including the prior structural flaws of the dollar, the growing trade deficit, the Euro and other international factors.
Each issue of BusinessWeek features in-depth perspectives on the financial markets, industries, trends, technology and people guiding the economy. Draw upon Business Week's timely incisive analysis to help you make better decisions about your career, your business, and your personal investments.