2000 Bilingual Phrases, Level 3, 2nd Ed / 2000 frases bilingües : nivel 3
Added by: rszyma | Karma: 779.66 | Coursebooks | 12 December 2013
2000 Bilingual Phrases, Level 3, 2nd Ed / 2000 frases bilingües : nivel 3
For Spanish Speakers The book contains 2000 phrases, each of them in Spanish and English.
Tags: Spanish , Level , frases , biling , nivel , Bilingual
2000 Bilingual Phrases, Level 1, 2nd Ed / 2000 frases bilingües : nivel 1
Added by: rszyma | Karma: 779.66 | Coursebooks | 11 December 2013
2000 Bilingual Phrases, Level 1, 2nd Ed / 2000 frases bilingües : nivel 1
For Spanish Speakers The book contains 2000 phrases, each of them in Spanish and English.
Tags: Spanish , Level , frases , biling , nivel , Bilingual
Vocabulary-Building Bilingual Mini-Books
Added by: wepr | Karma: 22386.36 | Coursebooks , Kids | 12 September 2013
Vocabulary-Building Bilingual Mini-Books
Vocabulary-Building Bilingual Mini-Books: 15 Picture Dictionaries of Spanish-English Cognates That Help English Language Learners Build Confidence in Reading and Writing (Grade K-6)
Tags: Vocabulary-Building , Mini-Books , Bilingual , Build , Confidence
I Can Climb! (A Bilingual book: Level 1)
Added by: wepr | Karma: 22386.36 | Kids , Graded Readers | 12 August 2013
I Can Climb! (A Bilingual book: Level 1)
Language English/Hindi
Bilingual books allow children to read the same story in two languages — English and another Indian language. It works wonderfully if the story is first read in the language that the child is more familiar with and then read again in the second language.
Tags: language , story , Bilingual , English , familiar , Climb , Level
Animals Are Unique Just Like You / Los Animales Son Únicos Como Tú
Added by: wepr | Karma: 22386.36 | Kids , Graded Readers | 23 July 2013
Animals Are Unique Just Like You / Los Animales Son Únicos Como Tú
This beautiful book introduces you to the characteristics different animals. At the end of the book there is a small illustrated bilingual dictionary.
Language: English/Spanish
Tags: Spanish , English , Language , Animals , Unique , nicos , Animales , bilingual