BIOLOGY is an authoritative majors textbook with evolution as a unifying theme. In revising the text, McGraw-Hill has consulted extensively with previous users, noted experts and professors in the field. It is distinguished from other texts by its strong emphasis on natural selection and the evolutionary process that explains biodiversity.
High pressure biology is an old, fascinating and stimulating field of research. One of the major reasons for the interest in studying high pressure is that this environmental factor also plays an important role in thermodynamics and consequently in biology. Pressure, from a biological perspective, has a bearing on all living creatures. The book presents a panoramic view of this subject from molecules to the overall organism, via the cells and unicellular species, invertebrates and vertebrates, ectotherms and endotherms.
This book brings together the highly scattered and diverse global literature on pure and applied aspects of temporary waters and their biotas. It examines their roles in both natural and human environments, and seeks common evolutionary themes. It wil be of particular interest to aquatic ecologists, invertebrate and vertebrate biologists, environmental biologists, wetland conservationists, those charged with controlling water-associated diseases, educators, and natural historians.
Conservation Biology for All provides cutting-edge but basic conservation science to a global readership. A series of authoritative chapters have been written by the top names in conservation biology with the principal aim of disseminating cutting-edge conservation knowledge as widely as possible. Important topics such as balancing conversion and human needs, climate change, conservation planning, designing and analyzing conservation research, ecosystem services, endangered species management, extinctions, fire, habitat loss, and invasive species are covered.
A powerfully written, impeccably reviewed textbook serves as the centerpiece of the new McDougal Littell Biology program. Through graphic photos and illustrations, memorable connections that each student can see and feel, and lab activities in every chapter of the book, McDougal Littell brings Biology into the world of a student. The student textbook provides students with a structured framework of key concepts and main ideas upon which to build their knowledge of biology.