Stated simply, this is a book about childhood and children’s literature. It aims to offer an interrelated framework of reference about both, in order that those who select books for child readers may do so with understanding, knowing why they select certain books and activities;recognising the links between content, method and developmental theory.
All the management and diagnosis strategies you need in the critical care environment. CURRENT Critical Care Diagnosis & Treatment delivers authoritative and clinically focused guidance in a concise, find-it-now format. Following the trusted LANGE approach it includes a review of the etiology, relevant pathophysiology, and clinical symptoms as a prelude to diagnosis and treatment. Coverage includes everything from renal failure and surgical infections to coronary heart disease with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine throughout.
American Splendor is a series of autobiographical comic books and graphic novels written by Harvey Pekar and drawn by a variety of artists. It was adapted into a movie in 2003. Pekar was one of the first writers to believe that everyday real life could be a viable topic for comic books, traditionally the province of fantasy-adventure and other genre stories. He began his series in 1976 while working as a file clerk at a Veteran's Administration hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. Being unable to draw himself, he recruited his friend and underground comics artist Robert Crumb to help create a comics series based on Pekar's own life.