Ivy League Analytical English – November 2015
Ivy League Analytical English was founded by Professor Peter Lai in 1988. Our mission is to give readers the finest English teaching and reference books available. In order to do this, we publish two monthly magazines, Ivy League Analytical English and Ivy League Enjoy English. Our other publications include books for children, preparatory guides for those taking the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), ECL, TOIEC, high school and college entrance examinations, and other specialty books. In recent years, Ivy League has also provided both the government and private businesses with teachers in order to help them achieve their English proficiency goals.
Active Learning for TwosThis outstanding book for parents and caregivers of two year olds is the third in a series. It offers activities that promote total child development, including physical, mental, and the creative aspects of learning. The organization into easily located categories makes it easy to quickly locate an appropriate activity. As a grandparent-caregiver who used the books for Baby and One-year olds, I am pleased to find that the activities are just as well thought-out and age appropriate in this book as in the other two.
For over 47 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world’s leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge. Each issue addresses some of the most passionate political and cultural controversies of the day, and reviews the most engrossing new books and the ideas that illuminate them.
For over 47 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world’s leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge. Each issue addresses some of the most passionate political and cultural controversies of the day, and reviews the most engrossing new books and the ideas that illuminate them.
The premier Sci-Fi entertainment magazine – it's been looking to the future for over 25 years since the very first Star Wars movie covering films, tv, books and much more...