Green Source - May/June 2010Green Source magazine is the most comprehensive guidance on designing and constructing environmentally responsible buildings. It is produced by the editors of Architectural Record in partnership with editors of Building Green, Inc. Every issue is devoted to green design and construction.
Vocabulary in Context Cards provide visual support and additional practice for high-frequency words. The cards have full-color photographs on the front and vocabulary-building routines (with student-friendly explanations) on the back.
The Hoover Dam is recognized as one of the seven engineering wonders of the modern world. The construction of this behemoth dam - the inspiration of one Arthur Powell Davis - was an incredible feat on many levels. Years-long political disputes had to be settled. Individuals and companies in the engineering and construction realms had to bond together to form a single company capable of taking on such a groundbreaking project. Thousands of workers from around the country flocked to the project to flee the poverty of the Great Depression.
The Telephone: Wiring America (Building America: Then and Now)
Alexander Graham Bell's request for his assistant to 'come here' revolutionized the way America's citizens communicated with one another. Bell's seemingly humble but transformative invention, the telephone remains a crucial part of daily life and is used by billions of people worldwide every day. With the far-reaching network it spawned, it drew out its most isolated citizens and gathered the populace into a simultaneously intimate and national conversation.