BusinessWeek is a business magazine published by McGraw-Hill. It was first published in 1929 (as The Business Week) under the direction of Malcolm Muir, who was serving as president of the McGraw-Hill Publishing company at the time. Its primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Fortune and Forbes, which are published bi-weekly.
BusinessWeek is a business magazine published by McGraw-Hill. It was first published in 1929 (as The Business Week) under the direction of Malcolm Muir, who was serving as president of the McGraw-Hill Publishing company at the time. Its primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Fortune and Forbes, which are published bi-weekly.
Ken Hudson, "the Idea Generator : Tools for Business Growth"
Ever been stuck for an idea? Unlock your creative abilities with these sixty small, practical, simple to use tools to aid in brainstorming new ideas or to help come up with new and sometimes radical solutions to problems.
Become more confident in your creative abilities. The results will be immediate.
Ideas are the lifeblood of any business. But have you ever been stuck for one? If you have, then The Idea Generator is for you. It outlines 60 effective and practical tools to help you create a range of big, new concepts. Each tool is simple to use and includes hints on how and when to use it for the best results.
The Idea Generator is a powerful handbook. It will help you solve problems, create new opportunities and improve individual and team performances. It will benefit anyone involved in business: in innovation, sales, marketing, advertising, business development or new product development.
New Insights into Business is a fully updated edition of the
highly popular and successful Insights into Business. It retains the
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Kurs New Insights into Business dzięki systematycznemu sylabusowi gramatycznemu i leksykalnemu oraz naciskowi na rozwój praktycznych umiejętności przydatnych w pracy skutecznie przygotowuje do komunikowania się w języku angielskim na co dzień. Rzetelny kurs dla studentów i osób pracujących.
The first business course written specifically for one-to-one teaching. With the innovative How to menu, students can identify their needs quickly and easily, and teachers can build a personalized syllabus that covers exactly what their student wants.