Professional psychic Abigail Cooper is about to discover that some cold cases are better off dead... As the FBI's newest Civilian Profiler, Abby Cooper is using her powers of intuition to help solve a backlog of the bureau's cold cases. But when she's the only one who's convinced that several separate cold cases are related, she'll have to call on every intuitive bone in her body before she's the one put on ice...
Achieving Cultural Competency - A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals
Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals provides the necessary tools to meet the ever-growing need for culturally competent practitioners and trainees. Twenty-five self-study cases cover a variety of medical topics, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurology, oncology, hematology, immunology, and pediatric disorders. Actual scenarios that occurred in clinical settings help the user gain direct insight into the realities of practice today. Cultural factors covered within the cases include cultural diversity plus gender, language, folk beliefs, socioeconomic status, religion, and sexual orientation.
What if, under the PATRIOT Act, federal bureaucrats could take murder cases away from local cops—then bury those cases so they're never investigated again? What if government agents could bug your home, your car, your place of business—your entire life—with nothing more than spoken permission from a secret panel of judges? What if the Department of Homeland Security could pull police officers off the street and hold them in cells indefinitely as material witnesses—because they're working on "sensitive" investigations?
As deadly secrets and betrayals from the past sweep into Miami on the winds of a killer storm, more than one evil prowls the sweltering city. When Britt reports the story of a missing teenager, she uncovers a frightening pattern of identical cases. The lost boys could be brothers. All look alike: slender, fair-haired, and blue-eyed. All vanished without a trace.
This is a textbook for medical students covering orthopaedics, trauma and rheumatology, offering both core information regarding what the student needs to know about these subject areas and an extensive series of cases with questions and answers that illustrate the thinking behind common everyday practice.