Accounting and Causal Effects: Econometric Challenges
While there is a substantial literature in labor economics and microeconometrics directed toward endogenous causal effects, causal effects have received relatively limited attention in accounting. This volume builds on econometric foundations, including linear, discrete choice, and nonparametric regression models, to address challenging accounting issues characterized by microeconomic fundamentals and equilibrium reporting choices.
Challenges Test Book 2Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it!
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it!
The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice (Challenges in Language and Literacy)
This comprehensive volume describes evidence-based strategies for supporting English language learners (ELLs) by promoting meaningful communication and language use across the curriculum. Leading experts explain how and why learning is different for ELLs and pinpoint specific best practices for the classroom, illustrated with vivid examples. Particular attention is given to ways in which learning English is intertwined with learning the student's home language.
The fast and easy way for Baby Boomers to protect their financial future Are you nearing (or already basking in) retirement? This helpful guide addresses the unique financial opportunities and challenges you'll face as you enter your golden years.