Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism
In Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows Joy investigates factory farming, exposing how cruelly the animals are treated, the hazards that meatpacking workers face, and the environmental impact of raising 10 billion animals for food each year. Controversial and challenging, this book will change the way you think about food forever.
Description: When people knew the earth was flat and it was the center of the universe, all life revolved around that truth. Galileo's telescope changed the truth. And with that one change, all architecture, music, literature, science, politics ?everything changed, mirroring the new view of truth. This tape is James Burke's examination of the moments in history when a change in knowledge radically altered man's understanding of himself and the world around him. Source: Audio Cassette Publisher: Audio Renaissance (October 1, 1990) Narrator: James Burke Language: English Format: mp3 (32kbps)
Real Life Reading is an ideal tool for teaching reading to adults who are learning ESL or who are at the pre-GED level. With examples based on real-life situations that your students are eager to master—from making sure they get the right change to calculating how much half a pound of oranges will cost at the grocery store—this book is sure to keep them interested and motivated. For use with Grades 7 and Up.
English in the World: History, Diversity, Change examines the English language as it has developed through history and is used across the globe today. The first half of the book outlines the history of the language from its fifth-century roots through its development as a national, a colonial, and now a global language. In the second half, the focus shifts to the diversity of the language today
Language Variation and Change is the only journal dedicated exclusively to the study of linguistic variation and the capacity to deal with systematic and inherent variation in synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Sociolinguistics involves analysing the interaction of language, culture and society; the more specific study of variation is concerned with the impact of this interaction on the structures and processes of traditional linguistics. It concentrates on the details of linguistic structure in actual speech production and processing (or writing), including contemporary or historical sources.