In this captivating, intriguing program, author and television host James Burke takes you on five voyages through the great, dynamic web of historical change to show "how sometimes the simplest act will have cosmic repercussions a hundred years later." Continuing the journey that began with Connections and continued with The Day the Universe Changed and The Axemaker's Gift, Burke draws on years of research and his powerful storytelling abilities to illuminate "the cliff-hanging, detective-story excitement of the myriad different processes by which change occurs."
STRAIGHT FROM THE CEO: WORLD'S TOP BUS LEADERS REV: The World's Top Business Leaders Reveal Ideas That Every Manager Can Use
Working closely with the Price Waterhouse management team, CEOs who are successfully managing today's rapid pace of economic change present their ideas about motivating people, unleashing innovation and creativity and revitalizing the corporation. These are insights of leaders who every day must find ways to test and validate new ideas, implement change to improve the bottom line, and ultimately focus on the core ideas that will truly reshape the corporation. Simultaneous hardcover release from Simon & Schuster. 2 cassettes. .
This book explores the key mechanisms underlying semantic change. Meaning changes work, the author shows, through modes of reanalysis undertaken by speakers and listeners, and are particularly evident in processes of grammaticalization in which lexical items lose autonomous meaning. Regine Eckardt's approach is derived from formal semantic theory and developed in the context of several in-depth case studies. Her book will interest scholars and advanced students of historical and comparative linguistics and formal semantics.
This little duckling is different from the other ducklings. Everyone laughs at him, animals and humans alike, and only his mum loves him. But when spring comes, he sees his reflection in the water, and… what a change has taken place!
Studies in the History of the English Language IV: Empirical and Analytical Advances in the Study of English Language Change (Topics in English Lingui
Empirical and Analytical Advances in the Study of English Language Change continues the project of initiating and energizing the conversations among historians of the English language fostered by the series of conferences on studying the history of the English language (SHEL), begun in 2000 at UCLA. It follows in the footsteps of three high-profile SHEL-based collections of peer-reviewed research papers and point-counterpoint commentaries