The 9 Intense Experiences: An Action Plan to Change Your Life Forever
A fun, bold, rapidly effective new approach to achieve happiness and success in life Do you ever feel stuck in a rut in your job, relationships and other aspects of your life? Do you feel trapped in a seemingly endless "to-do" list that removes you from the core of who you are and what you are truly meant to do and be? The 9 Intense Experiences leads you on a powerful journey of intense experiences to quickly overcome emotional barriers and set you on the path to achieve what you desire most.
How does one know coming good from coming ill? There are those times in life when one welcomes any change, believing that nothing can be such ashes in the mouth, such dryness of days as the never altering flood of time in a small community where the outside world lies ever beyond the gates locked and barred against all change. From the bell tower of Abbey Norstead – and how many years had sped since a bell had pealed from there? – one could see the unending rippling of the Dales, on and on to the blue-gray of Fast Ridge.
Reporting on Climate Change: Understanding the Science is a guide for reporters, educators, and other communicators on the current understanding about the science of global climate change.
Handbook of Motivation and Change: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
Handbook of Motivation and Change: A Practical Guide for Clinicians is a busy clinician s guide to motivational interviewing. With a special focus on substance use disorders and addiction, this unique handbook equips readers with a full understanding of the Motivational Interviewing approach an understanding that readers can flexibly apply to address patients issues of motivation and change even beyond substance use. The handbook is written by more than 20 practitioners of different psychotherapies who employ motivational work.
The Diet Solution Program doesn't promise you to have a super-body in just a few days without any efforts. Neither does it pretend to be the major breakthrough in the modern science. It is a reliable and quality program based on the years of experience and research. Isabel De Los Rios is a person who has been helping people to lose weight and regain their confidence. She is a person who has tried to change the way she was destined to be and ended up being successful. She is now bringing the success that she found, to the millions of people who are suffering the same obesity that she prevented herself.