Stretching Anatomy will arm you with the knowledge to increase range of motion, supplement training, enhance recovery, and maximize efficiency of movement. You’ll also gain a detailed understanding of how each stretch affects your body. Stretching Anatomy is like having an X-ray of each stretch, only better. Not only do you see full-color illustrations of the muscles in action, but you also find out how changes in position can alter the muscle emphasis and difficulty and how variations can improve safety and effectiveness.
Added by: myusika | Karma: 965.89 | Black Hole | 2 April 2011
The Rules of Attraction
The Rules Of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis, is his second novel, and definitely one of my favourites (the other being American Psycho). The story evolves around Sean Bateman, (Patrick Bateman's brother, the sick and demented character in American Psycho) Lauren, a girl who changes boyfriends as she changes majors, Paul, a bi-sexual who has the hots for Sean, and other guys around the college. It is set in New England during the Regan 80's. They spend their time getting drunk, doing drugs, and having sex. Yet, these characters are unlikable.
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A fascinating discussion on the fundamentals underlying the changing nature of Modern architecture. This new selection of essays follows Chris Abel's previous best selling collection, Architecture and Identity. Drawing upon a wide range of knowledge and disciplines, the author argues that, underlying technological changes in the process of architectural production are fundamental changes in the way we think about machines and the world we live in.
This volume will provide a contemporary account of advances in chemical carcinogenesis. It will promote the view that it is chemical alteration of the DNA that is a route cause of many cancers. The multi-stage model of chemical carcinogenesis, exposure to major classes of human carcinogens and their mode-of-action will be a focal point. The balance between metabolic activation to form biological reactive intermediates and their detoxification, ensuing DNA-lesions and their repair will be profiled. It will describe the chemical changes that occur in DNA that result from endogenous insults including epigenetic changes that lead to gene silencing.
Will Arctic wildlife adapt to global climate changes? Will melting ice and rising sea levels force the coastal inhabitants inland? Join biologists on a five-month research expedition through the Arctic to find answers to these and other impending questions.