Hemodynamic Rounds: Interpretation of Cardiac Pathophysiology from Pressure Waveform Analysis
Hemodynamic Rounds, Third Edition is intended to help cardiologists and other members ofthe medical community enhance their understanding of cardiac physiology and its associatedhemodynamic presentations in health and disease, including the basic principles of flow andpressure measurements; systemic as well as coronary hemodynamics in normal and diseased states; and changes in hemodynamics following interventional procedures ranging from valvuloplasty to stent placement.
Marie L Shedlock discusses what storytelling is, the role of storytelling in culture, the crucial elements of storytelling and its possible outcomes. She also looks at the media used for storytelling in ancient times compared to the sophisticated multimedia storytelling of today's entertainment industry. She follows the changes to storytelling brought about by the writing of language.
The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great
Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this it?" Maybe you're trapped in a dead-end job that you're afraid to leave. Or maybe you already have a good job-one that gives you room to grow and exercise your talents-but you don't really feel like you're doing your best work.
The Invisible Hands: Hedge Funds Off the Record - Rethinking Real Money
Hedge fund managers who survived and profited through the 2008 financial crisis share their secrets In light of the colossal losses and amidst the resulting confusion that still lingers, it is time to rethink money management in the broadest of terms. Drastic changes need to be made, and managers who actually made money during 2008 make for a logical starting place.
Get off the scale and get to the bookstore! Absolute Beginner's Guide to a Lite and Healthy Lifestyle is your how-to-guide for a way-of-life makeover. Written by registered dietician Nicole Haywood and endorsed by the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, ABG to a Lite and Healthy Lifestyle ignores fad diets and focuses on helping you make the lifestyle changes necessary for successful weight management. The author concentrates on showing you how to make daily modifications to your diet and activities to build the foundation for a greater lifestyle change. G