The Child Care Handbook is designed to help with one of your most important tasks as a parent—finding and selecting care for your child. This handbook includes information about different types of child care, ideas and lists to use when you’re choosing care, and tips on what you can do to make child care a positive experience for you and your family.
Child Care Handbook is designed to help with one of your most important tasks as a parent—finding and selecting care for your child. This handbook includes information about different types of child care, ideas and lists to use when you’re choosing care, and tips on what you can do to make child care a positive experience for you and your family.
Flashcards with phonograms A phonogram, or rime, is a spelling pattern or word family. These are the 42 most frequently used patterns. From these patterns, a child can master 500 primary words.
MY CHILD'S ACADEMIC SUCCESS Helping Your Child Series The Helping Your Child publication series aims to provide parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and life. These booklets feature practical lessons and activities to help their school aged and preschool children master reading, understand the value of homework and develop the skills and values necessary to achieve and grow.
Helping Your Child Learn History :
With activities for children in preschool through grade 5
The booklet is designed to help families prepare their children to achieve the lifelong task of finding their place in history by helping them learn what shaped the world into which they were born. Employing the latest research, the booklet is largely comprised of activities that can be experienced at home or in the community for children in preschool through grade 5, yet also features information about the basics of history; practical suggestions for how to work with teachers and schools to help children succeed in school; and a list of federal sources, helpful Web sites and suggested books for parents and children Helping Your Child Learn Science Fun Activities to Learn and Understand Science
Every day is filled with opportunities to learn science—without expensive chemistry sets or books. Parents don't need degrees in chemistry or physics to help their children learn science. All that is needed is a willingness to observe and learn with them, and, above all, to make an effort and take the time to nurture their natural curiosity. This booklet provides parents of children ages 3 through 10 with information, tools and activities they can use in the home and community to help their child develop an interest in the sciences and learn about the world around them. Helping Your Child Learn Math
Our increasingly technological world demands strong skills in mathematics, not only in the workforce but also in everyday life, and these demands will only increase over the lifetimes of our children. The major portion of this booklet is made up of fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong positive attitudes toward math. Helping Your Child Become a Reader
Other than helping your children to grow up healthy and happy, the most important thing that you can do for them is to help them develop their reading skills. This booklet offers pointers on how to build the language skills of young children, and includes a list of typical language accomplishments for different age groups, suggestions for books, and resources for children with reading problems or learning disabilities
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 21 July 2007
Child in Mind - A Child Protection Handbook
All public sector workers in contact with children and families, both in health care and allied services, need access to clearly written information about what to do if they are concerned about the safety and welfare of a child. Ensuring the safety and promoting the welfare of children who are at risk of harm is not an easy undertaking. The Child in Mind will help health service workers negotiate the complexities of child protection practice, with the aim of preventing abuse and neglect and protecting children from further harm once it has occurred.
Essentials of Child Psychopathology
(Essentials of Behavioral Science Series) by Linda Wilmshurst "Recognition of clinical child psychology as a unique discipline has only emerged in the past 30 years, despite auspicious beginnings..."
The only concise, comprehensive overview of child psychopathology covering theory, assessment, and treatment as well as issues and trends
Essentials of Child Psychopathology provides students and professionals with a comprehensive overview of critical conceptual issues in child and adolescent psychopathology. The text covers the major theories, assessment practices, issues, and trends in this important field. Author Linda Wilmshurst also includes chapters on specific disorders prevalent among this age group and covers special topics such as diversity, abuse, and divorce.
As part of the Essentials of Behavioral Science series, this book provides information mental health professionals need in order to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioral healthcare environment. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as "Test Yourself" questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.
Essentials of Child Psychopathology is the only available resource to condense the wide-ranging topics of the field into a concise, accessible format for handy and quick reference. An excellent review guide, Essentials of Child Psychopathology is an invaluable tool for learning as well as a convenient reference for established mental health professionals.