Earth's Children is a series of historical fiction novels set in upper paleolithic times, based in many locations across Europe, south of the great sheets of ice that covered the world at that time. It mainly covers the experiences of the protagonist Ayla with various cultural groups of Cro-Magnon humans as well as with the genetically and culturally distinct Neanderthals.
The series is based largely on archaeology and anthropology, with healthy doses of romance and poetic license.
Folding paper provides an important tactile experience and fine motor control lesson for young children. This sequel to Let's Fold! progresses from simple projects to beginning origami. Along the way, children will create fun and amusing paper toys and art projects.
Folding paper provides an important tactile experience and fine motor control lesson for young children. This workbook progresses from simple one-fold projects, all way through beginning origami. Along the way, children will delight in creating fun and amusing paper toys and art projects.
'What Else Can I Do With You?' - Helping Children Improve Classroom Behaviour
A teaching pack containing ideas for teachers to tackle the problem of low level disruptive behaviour by children in class. These worksheets and activities have been devised to help teachers work with primary school children who persistently create disruption.
These worksheets and activities are for use with children who create low level disruption in the classroom. By encouraging young people to think about their behaviour and the effect of their actions in a constructively critical way, this resource offers a welcome alternative to sanctions and punishment. This edition has been revised and now includes a session record sheet and more than 20 new activities. It also now focuses on interpersonal relationships, attention seeking and positive behaviours.
The worksheets are split into two types:
" Problem specific worksheets - designed to cover annoying everyday problems such as shouting out and name calling
" Target sheets - designed to support youngsters who need help to complete a number of tasks over part of a day or longer This resource is suitable for staff working with primary and middle school aged children in settings such as schools, learning support units, play-schemes, before and after school clubs and mentoring groups.
Reuploaded 13 Aug 2008 to, link updated.
The Level 5 activity book is designed to help children learn that writing messages and stories will help them see the value of learning to spell. The workbook's program is based on the ideas that accurate spelling contributes to the clarity of written messages; spelling accuracy shows attention to detail, sending a positive message to teachers and employers; and spelling becomes one part of learning to write real-life messages: directions, letters, invitations, and reports. The workbook aims to help children learn to identify common, logical spelling patterns; graduate quickly to more complex words; and become a confident, independent speller and writer. The spelling program is organized over a 30-week period. It is divided into the following sections (each covering five weeks): (1) Reviewing Basic Patterns; (2) Long Vowel Patterns; (3) Consonant Patterns; (4) Prefixes; (5) Noun Suffixes; and (6) Other Suffixes.