Helping Students to Speak assumes that many teachers find it difficult to persuade their students to speak English regularly in the classroom.
The book examines the reasons for this – both from the point of view of the teacher and of the student – and provides practical ways of improving the situation, motivating students more and increasing their ability to speak English both in and outside the classroom. These ideas are all supported by a range of activities for you to try out in class.
Edited by: stovokor - 2 January 2009
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"Asperger Syndrome in the Inclusive Classroom" offers support and practical techniques for teachers who work with children with Asperger Syndrome (AS). Based on the successful experiences of classroom teachers, and written from a teacher's perspective, this book provides creative and easy-to-apply strategies that support and encourage AS students in the mainstream classroom, from organization and time management techniques to framing classroom instructions to make lessons more accessible for children with AS.
A book which shows learners what they get wrong and how to put it right. Key features: A test, answers with helpful tips, and a second test on the same topic in each four-page unit, twenty topics in each book, twenty 'Review' pages, leaving a mini reference book once all the tests have been completed, written for self-study and also suitable for use in the classroom.
Scanned especially for SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be hard to include in a mainstream classroom, and managing their behavior is often a challenge. Drawing directly from classroom experience, this book shows how to use effective management strategies to improve behavior in the classroom and at home.
Pupils with autism are now commonly taught in a range of settings including mainstream classes, special schools and autism specific provision. This book will help practitioners to employ appropriate teaching and learning strategies when working with those in their classroom who experience an autistic spectrum disorder.