IELTS Listening Recent Actual Test 05 is the real ielts listening test through years in main land China. It consists of 6 real practice tests. It can be used in classroom for extra practice.
IELTS Listening Recent Actual Test 04 is the real ielts listening test through years all over the world. It consists of 6 real practice tests. It can be used in classroom for extra practice.
The course offers: -an activity-based approach through active engagement in every day classroom tasks -motivating activities, aimed at engaging the pupils' natural enthusiasms and interests -songs, classroom games and craft activities in every unit -additional support including cut-outs such as diaries, questionnaires, maps and quizzes for each unit which are then used for speaking activities
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Coursebooks, YLE | 20 March 2021
The course offers: -an activity-based approach through active engagement in every day classroom tasks -motivating activities, aimed at engaging the pupils' natural enthusiasms and interests -songs, classroom games and craft activities in every unit -additional support including cut-outs such as diaries, questionnaires, maps and quizzes for each unit which are then used for speaking activities
The Write Thing: Kwame Alexander Engages Students in Writing Workshop
Added by: panarang | Karma: 451.45 | Other | 24 December 2020
The Write Thing: Kwame Alexander Engages Students in Writing Workshop Imagine having a Newbery Medal-winning author in your classroom as an advisor and a friend, providing personal and practical advice on how to teach writing workshop in the modern-day classroom. With The Write Thing, you can do just that! Kwame Alexander is the New York Times-bestselling author of The Crossover. With more than 10 years of experience conducting writing workshops in schools, Alexander shows how to shake up the ""traditional"" writing workshop and make writing fun again! His magnetic personality, infectious enthusiasm, and love of teaching come through to inspire all students to write.