This practical book is part of the new "Artech House Methods in Bioengineering" series - volumes designed to offer detailed guidance on authoritative methods for addressing specific bioengineering challenges. Written and edited by recognized experts in the field, each book provides research engineers, scientists, and students with step-by-step procedures, clear examples, and effective ways to overcome problems that may be encountered. At the dawn of the 21st century, microtechnology is changing the study of biology and the practice of medicine.
Drawing for the Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Drawing
Absolute beginners and those looking for a refresher course will find this book to be a wonderful tool. The authors, Mark and Mary Willenbrink, have created a series of exercises which take the reader from the basic fundamentals of drawing to the complexities of creating landscapes, still lifes, people and much more. With encouraging words and an emphasis on having fun, each exercise is designed to build confidence.
Clear Leadership, Revised Edition: Sustaining Real Collaboration and Partnership at Work
Expanding on the fresh concepts that made the first edition of Clear Leadership such a success a decade ago, Bushe brings up-to-date the tools and techniques needed to build sustaining partnerships and make today's collaborative organizations work.
Representing outstanding value for money, this stylish and contemporary series has been specially created for everyone with a busy lifestyle. Highly practical and inspiring, the DK Living series embraces every aspect of a wide range of popular topics, from gardening and cookery to beauty and sports.
Each title covers both basic and more advanced information, including a clear explanation of the subject, equipment, and preparation. Detailed, step-by-step photographs and instructions take the reader systematically through all the techniques.
Busy families will love this idea - every recipe in Easy Meals is a dish with just three ingredients! For everything from seafood dishes to desserts, clear, concise recipes and complete nutrition information are provided for every dish.