This handy pocket guide delivers quick access to need-to-know information on basic behavioral theories, key aspects of psychiatric and crisis interventions, mental status assessments and exams, mental health history and assessment tools, and more.
The Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practices
Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond. Textbook discusses the basics of drug therapy from normal body function and the side effects of the disease processes to the beneficial actions of drug therapy. Provides information to ensure accurate dosing and individualized drug treatment.
Paediatrics - A Clinical Guide for Nurse Practitioners
This practical reference describes the clinical assessment, diagnosis, and management of common pediatric ambulatory conditions that are routinely managed by nurse practitioners.
This text will help students understand fundamental aspects of clinical practice in order to provide safe and effective care to children and their families in various situations. When in clinical practice, students may find themselves being supervised from a distance, and as such, this text will help the student when they find themselves in a variety of settings to assist their integration of theory and practice. The reader will develop their paediatric caring skills with a sound knowledge base, which will underpin the safe and effective delivery of care.
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 2: Internal Organs 5th Edition
A sound understanding of the structure and function of the human body in all of its intricacies is the foundation of a complete medical education. This classic work -- now enhanced with many new and improved drawings -- makes the task of mastering this vast body of information easier and less daunting with its many user-friendly features: - Hundreds of outstanding full-color illustrations - Clear organization according to anatomical system - Abundant clinical tips - Side-by-side images and explanatory text