Once again, Geraldine Brooks takes a remarkable shard of history and brings it to vivid life. In 1665, a young man from Martha's Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, Brooks has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure.
A Writer’s Reference is the most widely adopted college handbook ever published. The new edition is available in a classic version that provides more help with academic writing, serves a wider range of multilingual students, and lends more support for college research — all in an easy-to-use quick-reference format. Now for all the ways you teach your course, you can choose the classic version or choose from among 4 additional versions with varied content.
Find the Perfect College for You introduces a new approach that matches your personality type to colleges that best fit you. Using detailed descriptions of the academic, physical, and social environments of each campus, you will discover schools that resonate with your personality type to create a successful college experience.
With practical advice on topics ranging from writing effective essays, paragraphs, and sentences to documenting sources and designing Web pages, THE WADSWORTH HANDBOOK is the essential tool for any college student! Tailored to the way students like you study and learn, this handbook is THE go-to guide for every kind of writing-in and out of the classroom. THE WADSWORTH HANDBOOK, Eighth Edition, helps you produce sound academic writing, introducing you to the principles of college writing in the twenty-first century.