Night Comes to the Cretaceous: Dinosaur Extinction and the Transformation of Modern Geology
In 1980, the radical theory was proposed that a comet or meteor struck the Earth 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs and 70 percent of all other species. "Night Comes to the Cretaceous" is the first comprehensive and objective account of how this incredible theory has changed the course of science. 35 illustrations.
Squiglet is cute monster who can make drawings real. He lives in a plain white world. Squiglet uses a magic crayons (Squiggle Sticks) and a squiggle pad to draw a Hippo. Squiglet uses a curved line to draw a hippopotamus called Delores. She comes to a life. Delores has a big dream. She wants to learn a dance Hippo Hop. It's the big dance at the mud hole near her home on the Swimpopo River. Squiglet try to help her.
Squiglet is cute monster who can make drawings real. He lives in a plain white world. Squiglet uses a magic crayons (Squiggle Sticks) and a squiggle pad to draw a Hippo. Squiglet uses a curved line to draw a hippopotamus called Delores. She comes to a life. Delores has a big dream. She wants to learn a dance Hippo Hop. It's the big dance at the mud hole near her home on the Swimpopo River. Squiglet try to help her.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 25 February 2010
Neptune Crossing
Pilot John Bandicut has been cut off from his internal link to the “datanet” by faulty technology, leaving him subject to maddening “silence-fugues.” His need for contact makes him a perfect candidate for a symbiotic relationship with the alien quarx, who are trying to save humanity from a mysterious disaster threatening Earth. The quarx, creations whose understanding of Terran culture comes mostly from monitoring old TV and radio programs, have a certain gee-whiz quality, although their interactions with the datanet are intriguing.
Learn To Read - What Do We Need? What Comes in Threes? (+ CD, + workbook)
Серия книг Learn To Read предназначена для чтения и обучения ребенка читать, пополнять словарный запас, в легкой форме запоминать прочитанное (услышанное) наизусть. Предназначено для детей дошкольного возраста (подойдет и для школьников начальных классов).В один набор входит: две яркие красочные короткие книжки, СD, workbook.