E-maintenanceE-maintenance is the synthesis of two major trends in today’s society: the growing importance of maintenance as a key technology and the rapid development of information and communication technology. E-maintenance gives the reader an overview of the possibilities offered by new and advanced information and communication technology to achieve efficient maintenance solutions in industry, energy production and transportation, thereby supporting sustainable development in society.
Everything you need to know to shake off the disappointments of the past and find the lasting joy and happiness you desire with the power of feng shui! Fast Feng Shui for Singles provides a unique, holistic, and highly effective program to get you from being alone to being in love. Step-by-step guidelines show you how to use feng shui to heal old heartache and rediscover a sense of self; attract new opportunities and jump-start your social life; nurture a budding relationship; fan the flames of passion; and overcome barriers to intimacy, communication, and commitment.
The powerful new thriller from the author of THE DEVIL'S TEARDROP and THE EMPTY CHAIR. In Jeff's most chilling and topical thriller to date, we meet the most powerful and modern of criminals, the uber-hacker. Trawling both on and off the Net, he can follow your every move, your every detail and your every communication. He can invade your life before taking it away from you.
Language and Space: Theories and Methods: An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation, Volume 1
The dimensions of time and space fundamentally cause and shape the variability of all human language. To reduce investigation of this insight to manageable proportions, researchers have traditionally concentrated on the 'deepest' dialects. But it is increasingly apparent that, although most people still speak with a distinct regional coloring, the new mobility of speakers in recently industrialized and postindustrial societies and the efflorescence of communication technologies cannot be ignored.
TELL ME MORE Communication is the most complete and extensive English software available anywhere. Become fluent in English through 10 distinct levels, and utilizing exclusive online services.