1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills
Teach and reinforce important basic skills! Use the individual activities to support the units you are teaching and/or provide homework practice. The high-interest, age-appropriate activities are both motivating and challenging. Students will have fun learning new skills and concepts and at the same time add to their existing knowledge.
This magazine booklet, featuring long and short articles (fiction and nonfiction texts), offers enrichment for above-level third-grade students to practice vocabulary and comprehension.
The 8 in 1 English Dictionary is an illustrated English dictionary on CD-rom that lets learners hear the correct English pronunciation of words. Translations and instructions in 12 languages This pronunciation dictionary helps students improve their pronunciation, reading comprehension, vocabulary and spelling abilities.
Read Alouds help to build children’s listening comprehension. This anthology offers selections from a variety of genres, including biography, fiction, folktales, nonfiction, songs, and poetry, to share with children. Instruction is provided with each selection to develop specific comprehension strategies.
This teachers’ guide contains ideas for expanding upon the material in the e-books. The authors have included suggestions for pre-reading activities as well as activities focusing on listening and speaking, building vocabulary, and improving reading comprehension. The authors encourage teachers to customize the activities to suit the needs, interests and ages of their students.