ABC English is a worktext for beginning English Language Learners. It contains language set in real-world dialogs while grammar is addressed in a communicative framework. Comprehension questions and a variety of activities test understanding and application of the structures and vocabulary presented in each of 26 chapters. (153 pages)
The Origins of Grammar: Evidence from Early Language Comprehension
How do children achieve adult grammatical competence? How do they induce syntactical rules from the bewildering linguistic input that surrounds them? The major debates in language acquisition theory today focus not on whether there are some sensitivities to syntactic information but rather which sensitivities are available to children and how they might be translated into the organizing principles that get syntactic learning off the ground.
Speed Reading III was developed to help you improve your reading speed. The average reader reads at about 200 words per minute (wpm) with a typical comprehension of 60%. The top 1% of readers do much better, reading at more than 1000 wpm with a comprehension of 85%. Such highspeed reading requires serious concentration.
Document-Based Questions for Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking (Grade 4)
Document-Based Questions for Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking uses high-interest grade-level nonfiction passages, related documents, and critical thinking assessment practice to help develop confident readers who can demonstrate their skills on standardized tests. In addition, they will build the comprehension skills necessary for a lifetime of learning. There are five topic areas with six or seven lessons in each. Each lesson consists of three pages: a reading passage, a related document, and an assessment practice page containing multiple choice, true/false - explain, and short-answer document-based questions.