In the Mind's Eye: Visual Thinkers, Gifted People With Learning Difficulties, Computer Images and the Ironies of Creativity
The computer-generated information superhighway could launch a new renaissance of creativity for millions of visual thinkers! Some of the greatest minds in politics, science, literature, and the arts experienced undetected learning disabilities that stopped them from assimilating information the same way as their peers. Some of our most original intellects relied heavily on visual modes of thought, processing information in terms of images instead of words or numbers.
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Upgrading and Fixing Your PC
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Upgrading and Fixing Your PC is a comprehensive, non-technical guide to upgrading your computer and fixing common problems. It provides step-by-step instructions for specific types of upgrades, fast and easy ways to troubleshoot common computer problems - and how to restore your system to working order after a bad upgrade.
PC WORLD is the best-selling monthly computer magazine in America with over 6.2 million readers devoted to personal computing and related technology. Our award-winning editors deliver the Top 100 PC and product rankings and reviews from our state-of-the-art Test Center. Each issue is loaded with in-depth special reports and authoritative news stories, how-to's and tips, new PC trends, technologies, the Internet, and more. PC WORLD is an essential tool for any computer user.
Computer terminology is constantly expanding, and the brand-new edition of this dictionary has been updated to keep pace with the latest important innovations in computer science and technology. The book presents more than 3,200 computer-related terms with clear and succinct definitions.