"Mathematics: Applications and Concepts" sets the standard in Middle School mathematics. This three-course program provides a unique blend of instruction, daily practice, intervention, standardized test preparation, and practice in reading and writing math, and gets students ready for testing success.
Reading age for native speakers: Middle School students (7th grade)
Social Construction of RealitySocial Construction of Reality is a book about the sociology of knowledge written by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann and published in 1966.
The work introduced the term social construction into the social sciences and was strongly influenced by the work of Alfred Schütz. The central concept of Social Construction of Reality is that persons and groups interacting in a social system create, over time, concepts or mental representations of each other's actions, and that these concepts eventually become habituated into reciprocal roles played by the actors in relation to each other.
1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills
Teach and reinforce important basic skills! Use the individual activities to support the units you are teaching and/or provide homework practice. The high-interest, age-appropriate activities are both motivating and challenging. Students will have fun learning new skills and concepts and at the same time add to their existing knowledge.
Anglo-Saxon Keywords presents a series of entries that reveal the links between modern ideas and scholarship and the central concepts of Anglo-Saxon literature, language, and material culture.