Linear algebra is relatively easy for students during the early stages of the course, when the material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting. But when abstract concepts are introduced, students often hit a brick wall. Instructors seem to agree that certain concepts (such as linear independence, spanning, subspace, vector space, and linear transformations), are not easily understood, and require time to assimilate.
Construct effective arguments with UNDERSTANDING ARGUMENTS: AN INTRODUCTION TO INFORMAL LOGIC, 8th Edition. Primarily an introduction to informal logic, this text provides a guide to understanding and constructing arguments in the context of academic studies and subsequent professional careers. Exercises, discussion questions, and readings help clarify difficult concepts and make the material meaningful and useful.
Fundamentals of Financial Instruments: An Introduction to Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Exchange,and Derivatives
Fundamentals of Financial Instruments deals with the global financial markets and the instruments in which they trade. While most books on finance tend to be heavily mathematical, this book emphasizes the concepts in a logical, sequential fashion, introducing mathematical concepts only at the relevant times. As a result, the reader gains conceptual clarity reinforced by just the right level of technical detail to ensure a comprehensive exposure to the skills needed in the financial world.
Tales of Lights and Shadows: Mythology of the Afterlife
Pages: 173
Tales of Lights and Shadows: Mythology of the Afterlifeoffers a fresh approach to the traditional mythology and literature of the afterlife, centering on tensions and polarities in the afterlife concepts: bright vs. dismal, heaven vs. reincarnation, theocentric vs. anthropocentric heaven, etc. Presenting examples from virtually all the world's religious cultures past and present, this fascinating book puts the concepts clearly in the context of the worldview and social issues of that society.
"The Living Environment" provides comprehensive coverage of the required state standards to help meet the Regents exam. To aid student comprehension the conceptual presentation is organized around Themes, Big Ideas, and Main Ideas in biology. Themes are overarching concepts used throughout the entire book that help students make connections between various topics and concepts. Students will be able to see and understand how biology is related to all living things. Big Ideas found on the Unit Opener pages summarize each chapter and help students focus on the topics that relate to the themes.