Not only covering the newsworthy topics of contemporary biology -such as gene therapy and the Human Genome Project -this book also provides a well-rounded introduction to the fundamental concepts and practical applications of genetics. Written specifically for nonbiologists, Genes and DNA covers all the basic concepts from classical and molecular genetics to quantitative and population genetics, including cloning and genetic diseases, and discusses the many applications of genetics to the world around us, from genetically modified foods to genetic testing.
With minimal technical terminology and jargon, the book's strength is in its attention to the comprehension of concepts. The authors provide balanced coverage of controversial topics and encourage the reader to think independently, always stressing the scientific background and current facts. Throughout the text, innovative "Try This At Home" boxes and supplemental sidebars engage readers.
The articles in this collection focus attention on the concept of literature and the concepts of a literary work and a literary text. Adopting an analytic approach, the articles attempt to clarify how these concepts govern our thinking about the phenomenon of literature in various ways, exploring the issues that arise when these concepts are employed as theoretical instruments for describing and analyzing the phenomenon of literature.
Algebra 2: Concepts and Skills has been written so that all students can succeed in Algebra 2. The course focuses on the key topics that provide a strong foundation in algebra. Lesson concepts are presented in a clear, straightforward manner, supported by frequent worked-out examples. The page format makes it easy for students to follow the flow of a lesson, and the vocabulary and visual tips in the margins help students learn how to read the text and diagrams. Checkpoint questions within lessons give students a way to check their understanding as they go along. The exercises for each lesson provide many opportunities to practice and maintain skills, as well as to apply concepts to real-world problems.
GRE - ETS - MATH REVIEW for Practicing to Take the GRE® General Test
Added by: hungnm0206 | Karma: 24.75 | Exam Materials » GRE | 16 February 2009
This review is designed to familiarize you with the mathematical skills and concepts likely to be tested on the Graduate Record Examinations General Test. The text includes many examples with solutions, and there is a set of exercises at the end of each section. The following material, which is divided into the four basic content areas of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, is not intended to be comprehensive. It is assumed that certain basic concepts are common knowledge to all examinees. Emphasis is, therefore, placed on the more important skills, concepts, and defmitions, and on those particular areas that are frequently confused or misunderstood. If any of the topics seem especially unfamiliar, we encourage you to consult appropriate mathematics texts for a more detailed treatment of those topics.
MATH REVIEW for Practicing to Take the GRE® General Test
Added by: hungnm0206 | Karma: 24.75 | Exam Materials » GRE | 16 February 2009
This review is designed to familiarize you with the mathematical skills and concepts likely to be tested on the Graduate Record Examinations General Test. The text includes many examples with solutions, and there is a set of exercises at the end of each section. The following material, which is divided into the four basic content areas of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, is not intended to be comprehensive. It is assumed that certain basic concepts are common knowledge to all examinees. Emphasis is, therefore, placed on the more important skills, concepts, and defmitions, and on those particular areas that are frequently confused or misunderstood. If any of the topics seem especially unfamiliar, we encourage you to consult appropriate mathematics texts for a more detailed treatment of those topics.