Cliffs Quick Review Algebra II
CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions.
Whether you're looking for an in-depth treatment of the entire subject matter or occasional reinforcement of key algebra concepts, this is the place to find it..
CliffsQuickReview Algebra II is a comprehensive study guide to the many topics of a second course in algebra, including information on linear equations, complex numbers, and conic sections.
Tags: Algebra, Cliffs, algebra, course, concepts |
Encyclopedia of American Law
Added by: Thrakatak | Karma: 266.32 | --- | 15 June 2007 |
Gale,West's Encyclopedia of American Law in 13 Volumes 6727 pages
The new edition of this standard legal reference is a worthy successor
to the original. The encyclopedia contains a comprehensive overview of
American law, covering historical and current terms, concepts, events,
movements, cases, and significant persons. New cases, events, and
trends have been thoroughly integrated into existing entries.
Tags: cases, American, Encyclopedia, eventsmovements, concepts |