For a full description of the Becoming a Master Student program, please see Becoming a Master Student, 12/e. The long-standing best seller in student success, Becoming a Master Student, Concise helps students examine their lives from a self-discovery perspective. Articles, strategies, and exercises show students how to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and practice academic and life skills. With updated coverage of diversity, money management, and technology, the text is fresh and relevant to today's students.
Dalzell concise new partridge dictionary of slang for Babylon
he Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English in a single volume.
With over 60,000 entries from around the English-speaking world, the Concise gives you the language of beats, hipsters, Teddy Boys, mods and rockers, hippies, pimps, druggies, whores, punks, skinheads, ravers, surfers, Valley girls, dudes, pill-popping truck drivers, hackers, rappers and more.
The Concise New Partridge is a spectacular resource infused with humour and learning – it’s rude, it’s delightful and it’s a prize for anyone with a love of language.
In writing, the best and simplest strategy is to say what is meant. Redundant phrases can be funny, irritating or unintelligent. If a person received two similar birthday gifts and realized one performed much better, the gift that didn’t work as well would be returned inevitably. This scenario occurs frequently in writing and in conversation. It’s always best to remove redundant expressions and to choose words that work better. A concise sentence has impact and energy. Removing verbiage to focus on meaningful words produces a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. Here are several unnecessary words and common redundancies.
Britannica Concise Dictionary For BabylonThe Britannica Concise Encyclopedia is the perfect resource for information on the people, places, and events of yesterday and today.
This book walks you through the various elements of a good cover letter, taking you through each step with plenty of examples to show exactly what you need to know to create the best cover letter over and over again. Make yours the one that brings the light of relief into the recruiter's eye as they see the perfect candidate. At just over a hundred pages, this concise, easy to read guide is full of professional information that will make your job search take off.