Added by: langm | Karma: 58.36 | Black Hole | 28 September 2013
Flyers 6 : Student Book+Answer Booklet
Young Learners English Tests are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. They provide the first step towards the ESOL main suite exams (e.g. KET, PET, and FCE). The Student's Book contains three full colour Flyers past papers from ESOL.
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Discover Magazine gives its readers the real story: on-the-scene photography, highly personal portrait shots, and cutting edge scientific imagery. The design is elegant and refined--not dry like a textbook, not glossy and remote like a travel guide. Every issue contains a balance of big-idea, text driven stories and more image-rich features that convey the feel of where and how the most amazing research happens.
This book contains chapters that investigate children’s acquisition of different types of variation in the primary linguistic data (PLD) that they are exposed to. Natural languages often display word order variation that may at first sight seem like instances of optionality. The first collection of papers focussing on the acquisition of word order variation. The book contains papers addressing first language acquisition of a wide selection of languages.The papers discuss new child language data The volume provides new theoretical insights
DExam mintafeladatok Középfok (B2)/DExam sample test at B2 level
Added by: popolyka | Karma: 26.78 | Other exams, Audio | 12 August 2013
DExam mintafeladatok Középfok (B2)/DExam sample test at B2 level
It is a Hungarian language exam (DEXAM) book and CD together. It contains all tasks types with sample exercises at B2 level.
It contains reading, writing, listening and speaking tasks (so a full mock exam). It is a good book to practice for the exam, and the students can know the system of the exam.
A modern English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary by Longman. Allows the users not only to translate words, but also do various exercises in grammar, phonetics, and writing. Contains 65 500 words, 58 000 sample sentences, and 21 000 phrases and idiomatic expressions.