Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to
How can faculty create a strong e presence for their online classes? This volume highlights the need for creating a presence in the online environment. The authors explore the emotional, psychological, and social aspects from both the instructor and student perspective. It provides an instructional design framework and shows how a strong presence contributes to effective teaching and learning. Filled with illustrative examples and based on research and experience, the book contains methods, case scenarios, and activities for creating, maintaining, and evaluating presence throughout the cycle of an online course.
Supplementary exercises allowing students to master their language skills at A-2 level (elementary). Technical information - following pages were skipped; 1 (title), 2 (acknowledgements), 4 (blank). A list of irregular verbs was put at the beginning to refresh students' memory. The archive contains recovery record.
An exam simulation covering all matura tasks. Features both basic and extended versions. The set contains full examination papers, keys, tapescripts and audio.
Reading and Writing Skills 1 is a low-intermediate to intermediate reading skills text for adult and young-adult learners of English as a Second or Foreign Language. Strategic Reading 1 is designed to build the reading skills and vocabulary that students need to achieve academic success. The book contains 14 units on contemporary themes. Each unit contains three multiple-genre readings adapted from authentic sources such as newspapers, magazines, books, and websites.