Saracen Strongholds 1100 - 1500 - The Central and Eastern Islamic Lands
By the time of the Crusades, the Islamic world had already developed its own sophisticated styles of fortification. Distinctive and highly effective, the region's unique military architecture continued to evolve in response to the Crusader and Mongol threats, and also drew upon the traditions of their foes and neighbours. The resulting Islamic concepts of military architecture had an influence upon fortifications in Western Europe, including Italy and the Iberian Peninsula. However, Islamic fortifications continued to focus upon the defence of cities and frontiers rather than providing security for feudal aristocracies, as was increasingly the case in Europe.
On the Parish - Micro-Politics of Poor Relief in Rural England c. 1550 - 1750
On the Parish? is a study of the experience of poor relief in the rural parishes of early modern England. It explores the relationships of paupers not only to the parish officers who administered the Elizabethan poor laws but also to their kinfolk and neighbours who continued to provide extensive networks of informal support.
Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 25 October 2010
Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex
Generations of social thinkers have assumed that access to legitimate paid employment and a decline in the ‘double standard’ would eliminate the reasons behind women’s participation in prostitution. Yet in both the developing world and in postindustrial cities of the West, sexual commerce has continued to flourish, diversifying along technological, spatial, and social lines.
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For more than a century, the United States had experienced constant change as technological advances united the country by communication, transportation, currency, and power. As the forward-thinking members of society continued to reinvent the lives of their fellow citizens with their products and devices, it seemed as if change was everywhere. In the last decade of the 19th century, America continued to define its identity through industrial progress, domestic reform, an expansionist foreign policy, and the millions of new immigrants arriving at its shores. .
Scientific American DigitalSpecial Edition (June 2006)
A savvy handicapper would never have put money on the continued existence of this evolutionary dark horse. Nearly hairless, weak--no sharp claws or slicing teeth here--and slow, with a bumpy bipedal gait, humans might initially appear to be one of the unlikeliest survivors on earth. Except for the oversize brains.
So much of the rise of our ancestors from humble beginnings to today's world-dominant swell of humanity tracked the stunning growth of all that furrowed cortex. From roughly two million years to 250,000 years ago, the brain's total volume expanded by a tablespoonful every 100,000 years, estimates Harvard University biologist E. O. Wilson. If we could stretch a modern person's cortex flat, it would occupy an area the size of four sheets of standard letter-size paper. In contrast, a chimp's would cover one sheet; a monkey's, a postcard; and a rat's, a stamp.
But size alone does not explain our matchless reasoning skills. One of the mysteries of human evolution is that other species with large brains (such as Neandertals) seemingly did not achieve comparable levels of cognition. Could a cultural innovation, perhaps driven by rapid environmental changes, have contributed to the rise of symbolic thought, language and cooperative group society?
As our primate ancestors' intellects deepened, their bodies continued to morph. Their need to stoke the energy-consuming organ in their skulls with nutritious, calorie-rich fuel created selection pressure favoring features now characteristic of primates, such as grasping hands with opposable thumbs. "To a great extent," concludes Katharine Milton, "we are truly what we eat."
Even as recent discoveries answer some questions about our fascinating and complex history, they raise others. Alone among creatures alive today, we enjoy the ability to contemplate our species' odyssey through time. Food for thought.