From the music that thumps through a listener's headphones to the strains of an orchestra tuning up for a performance, science plays a vital role in how we hear and create music. Music examines what music is and how scientific principles help control how it is made, and also delves into the histories and workings of different types of musical instruments. Explore the roots of modern techno music, find out who invented the first synthesizer, and discover how modern electronics have changed the way music is made.
Radio Control Car Action is the worlds leading RC model car and truck magazine. Remote control racing, building, competitions are all covered in articles and reviews. RC cars are a fantastic family hobby. Electric, nitro and gas R/C cars are covered.
Radio Control Car Action - 2008 Full Year Collection (All Issues)
Radio Control Car Action is the worlds leading RC model car and truck magazine. Remote control racing, building, competitions are all covered in articles and reviews. RC cars are a fantastic family hobby. Electric, nitro and gas R/C cars are covered.
Radio Control Car Action is the worlds leading RC model car and truck magazine. Remote control racing, building, competitions are all covered in articles and reviews. RC cars are a fantastic family hobby. Electric, nitro and gas R/C cars are covered.
Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control WorkbookMyth-busting guidance for fraud preventionin a practical workbook format An excellent primer for developing and implementing an anti-fraud program that works, Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook engages readers in an absorbing self-paced learning experience to develop familiarity with the practical aspects of fraud detection and prevention at banks, investment firms, credit unions, insurance companies, and other financial services providers.