It was 1630, the twelfth year of the Thirty Years' War. Late on a spring afternoon, a sixteen year old lad stood gazing across the swollen waters of the Nith River in the south of Scotland. All about him the hilltops were covered with masses of clouds, and a fierce wind swept the driving rain before it.
Fadiman may do for the anecdote what Bartlett did for the quotation. There are over 4000 biographical anecdotes about more than 2000 famous people. The book is international in scope and an entertaining walk through history. People representing all types of occupations are covered, from U.S. presidents to Greek philosophers to entertainers and sports figures.
Course No. 561 Taught by Frank B. Cross The University of Texas at Austin J.D., Harvard Law School
What is a contract? How can you make one binding? How can you avoid being prematurely bound by one? What can you do to get out of a contract? What remedies are available if someone breaches your contract? What special rules apply to international contracts?
These questions and the other important issues of legally enforceable promises are covered in the eight lectures of this course.
Contractual agreements are one of the principal mechanisms for ordering life in society.
Dictionary of taxation terms / Словарь терминов по налогообложению
Language: English / Russian / German / French
These dictionaries have been conceived as an essential contribution to the deeper mutual understanding between Russian and Western professionals in the most important areas of collaboration covered by the TACIS Programme.
Continuum Companion to Second Language Acquisition
This book ,firstly, portrays the landscape of L2 Acquisition and then departs to the main discussions in the field including l1 & L2,maturational constraints, vocabulary knowledge and use , input & output ,individual differences and motivational factors .finally a chapter on strategic behaviour and language learning . The concepts covered are adequately elaborated so that an overal understanding is induced.