Egzamin z języka angielskiego 2012-poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony-repetytorium gimnazjalne-ćwiczenia i testy
An exam course for the undergraduates of junior high school aiming to take the final English test in 2012 or later. Contains 7 theme chapters, grammar sections, common expressions for every day communication, interviews with famous people, culture corners, CLIL elements, up-to-date topics, vocabulary exam-style exercises (paraphrasing, translating, sentence forming), and 14 full papers. Covers both basic and extended versions. Audio, tapescripts, and key included. Level A2 and B1.
Armory history of Britain and other countries. The book is illustrated with 450 engravings and 42 tone illustrations. Covers the period from ancient times to the 17 th century
Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design - Neamen- 2nd edition
This junior-level electronics text provides a foundation for analyzing and designing analog and digital electronic circuits. Computer analysis and design are recognized as significant factors in electronics throughout the book. The use of computer tools is presented carefully, alongside the important hand analysis and calculations. The author, Don Neamen, has many years experience as an enginering educator and an engineer. His experience shines through each chapter of the book, rich with realistic examples and practical rules of thumb.
Forty-five illustrations rendered for coloring by Paul Kennedy: red-winged blackbird, painted bunting, wood duck, great blue heron, ruby-throated hummingbird, purple finch, blue jay, many more. Original plates reproduced in full color on covers. Common and scientific names and current range are included
What English Language Teachers Need to Know Volume II: Facilitating Learning
Designed for pre-service teachers and teachers new to the field of ELT, Volume II and its companion are companion textbook, Volume I, are volumes organized around the key question: What do teachers need to know and be able to do in order for their students to learn English? Volume I covers the characteristics of the context in which teachers work, how English works and how it is learned, and the teacher’s role in the larger professional sphere of English language education. Volume II covers the three main facets of teaching: planning, instructing, and assessing. The focus throughout is on outcomes, that is, student learning.